You need to see a homeopath for that. That doesn’t answer your question, does it?
While homeopathy has been proven effective in certain clinical applications, self-prescribing is not always recommended. Sometime you need to see a homeopath to receive appropriate treatment. When using homeopathic remedies, there are two scenarios to consider: an acute situation or a chronic condition. In some cases, an old problem may be aggravated and lead to acute symptoms, such as with asthma or arthritis.
It is important to note the significant difference in prescribing for acute and chronic conditions. Acute ailments are temporary, whereas chronic health issues persist over a prolonged period. The key contrast between acute and chronic conditions lies in the duration required for recovery. For further insight into these categories of conditions and their respective treatment styles, please refer to my blog on Acute and Chronic Prescribing in Homeopathy.
Homeopathy is very versatile and has many clinical applications. It can be used in many different ways, both in home prescribing and by professional homeopaths. When it comes to using homeopathy for a long-standing chronic condition, homeopaths will always need more information to put your symptoms in context. Your medical history and that of your family are very important sources of information. They will give the homeopath an insight into what susceptibilities you have inherited from your parents and grandparents, as well as information about major events in your life and how these have influenced you on your journey through life or shaped you into who you are now.
It is not what you wanted to hear and it is really irritating.
All this information is used by a homeopath to select the right remedy for your symptoms and begin your journey back to better health. I said begin your journey because it won’t be a quick fix. Healing is a process. During this process we have to go back and address the root cause of your problem. Quite often before we get to that place there would be some obstacles blocking your path to better health that would have to be removed. The remedies which you would be given are to retrain your body into responding in a different way than it used to. The body needs to relearn how to respond in a healthy way.
Why is it so hard to get a straight answer?
So, I hope you can see by now that there is a bit more to the story than just throwing a remedy at someone. You can also guess why two people with the same problem will end up with different remedies to help them.